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Introducing MPLAB® Extensions for VS Code®

MPLAB® Extensions for Microsoft® Visual Studio® Code (VS Code®) represent a groundbreaking integration of our robust development tools with one of the most popular code editors, VS Code. This suite of extensions is designed to streamline the development process for both new and seasoned developers who rely on Microchip's comprehensive device support and toolset. 

What Are MPLAB Extensions?

MPLAB Extensions for VS Code seamlessly integrate into the VS Code environment, allowing developers to utilize the power of MPLAB in-circuit debuggers and software tools while working within a familiar and versatile interface. These extensions support all Microchip devices, ensuring compatibility and ease of use regardless of the product. MPLAB Extensions include simple project import features that ease the transition from MPLAB X IDE, basic debugging and programming capabilities and an extension to utilize the MPLAB Data Visualizer for a more integrated and robust experience development experience inside VS Code. Additionally, these extensions are released under early access, meaning they are available for select users to test new features and provide feedback, contributing to the future development of the extensions.

What’s New With VS Code?

The VS Code environment is slightly different than what seasoned MPLAB X IDE users are accustomed to, offering faster run times and a more minimalistic interface. To get started with MPLAB Extensions for VS Code, users can download the editor, launch the program and then search for the MPLAB Extensions pack in the Extension Marketplace. Accessing a new user walkthrough is easier than ever with VS Code; it should be available on the Welcome tab or by typing “MPLAB: Welcome” on the command palette.

Debug features such as basic debugging, stepping and setting/clearing breakpoints are very similar in both environments. You are also able to launch MPLAB Data Visualizer in both environments; currently, most Data Visualizer features are supported in VS Code.

In the MPLAB X IDE environment, the project structure is visible on the Projects tab. In VS Code, it can be found on the Explorer tab.

One of the main differences that users will quickly notice in MPLAB Extensions for VS Code is the use of the command palette to perform commands and actions, whereas in MPLAB X IDE, menu items and buttons are used for commands. As an example, to create a new project in MBLAB X IDE, users simply need to click on the New Project icon, whereas in VS Code, the process is to use Ctrl+Shift+P and the command “MPLAB: Create New Project.” Another option to create a new project in the VS Code environment is to go to the Welcome tab under “Get Started with MPLAB.”

Another element that sets the two environments apart is that MPLAB X IDE is based on NetBeans and a NetBeans workspace contains information about the configuration of the IDE. In VS Code, the project root folder serves as a workspace for the user and workspace settings—as well as debugging and task configurations—are stored at the root in a .vscode folder.

Another enhancement to the user experience in VS Code is the automatic saving of configuration file setting changes, whereas in the MPLAB X IDE environment, the user must select “Ok” or “Apply” in the Project Properties dialog in to change settings.

As more customers check out MPLAB Extensions for VS Code, we recommend referring to our dedicated Developer Help page for more in-depth instructions on basic functionality.

Yara Matar, Jul 16, 2024

Tags/Keywords: Development Tools

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